Physical Computing Journal
Week One
Getting Started
Not much to report this week. Still trying to figure out HTML. Found parts needed
for class two and did the readings (Buxton and Petzold). Took tool safety class
as well.
Week Two
This week was devoted to setting up the voltage regulator. I bought a 49 cent
plastic box and made holes with a drill to support the switch and power supply.
Had some fun soldering things together, the key, however, is to find an iron
with a good tip and heat the objects that are to be soldered (keeping the heat
at about 3 or so).
After following the example we partially did in class, I got a voltage that
varied between 4.95 and 5.05VDC, which I thought was great (+/-1%). The tolerance
of other components, e.g., resistors, is about +/-20%. I set up the breadboard
so it could be powered by the 12V wall wart or a 9V battery, since wall warts
can become cumbersome to carry around. The battery output about 8.77V. I think
I should monitor this over time to see how much the voltage of the battery varies.
I next lighted a couple LED's in series. I couldn't get a third to light (needed
more volts). However, I then wired them up in parallel and that worked fine.
For my next trick, I played around with a photoresistor, so that when someone
passed closely by the breadboard, some LED's would light up. I also played around
I purchased a flex sensor at the bookstore when I was buying equipment the week
before and wired that up. It worked in only one direction, and was difficult
to see with the LED. I presented this in class, and Jeff suggested I could wire-up
a voltage divider to give it more juice.
Week Three
Digital Input and Output Using the BX-24
This week was considerably more exciting. I prepared the box for the serial
input and outputs, and installed and powered the BX chip. I was careful to orient
it properly and count the pins correctly, so it didn't blow up. I took
the voltage out of the 7805 and sent it to pin 21, connected ground to pin 23.
The BX’s LEDs happily blinked red and green.
I then proceeded to create a serial connection. I made an adaptor, and
with pins 2 through 5 of the serial cable adaptor connected to pins 1 through
4 of the BX, I connected a serial cable to port one on the computer.
I then proceeded to program the chip. I got BasicX up and running, created
a module for myself, and programmed:
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start
program with a half-second delay
call putPin(13, 1)
call delay(0.5)
call putPin(13,0)
call delay(0.5)
end sub
I compiled and ran the program, and it blinked. A rosy-colored dawn…
I then spent some time with switches. I first got a 10kOhm resistor, tied
it between ground to pin 7’s bus, then put a switch between power and
the bus of pin 7. I edited the above program and put a debug.print statement
in the do loop.
debug.print "pin 7:" ; cstr(getPin(7))
I continued on by combined switches with LEDs such that:
if getPin(7) = 1 then
call putPin(13,1)
call putPin(13,0)
end if
I tried other pins and tried lighting more LEDs. I also got them to blink
oppositely such that if one was on, another was off, again using an if statement.
I presented this in class.
I also checked out the Petzold reading on Code and sections of the language
Week Four
Memory and the BX-24
This week’s lab assignment mirrored what we were doing in ICM the previous
week. I also had to do my tech presentation research project, whose documentation
can be found on
Step one of the assignment was to write a simple for-next loop to light the
LED’s in sequence:
Sub main()
dim nextLightVar as byte
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
for nextLightVar = 13 to 20
call putPin(nextLightVar,
call putPin((nextLightVar
- 1), 0)
call delay(1.0)
end sub
This was easy to accomplish. Step two was also relatively quick.
I wired up a switch using a digital input circuit. Based on the state
of pin 5, the LED in 20 was turned on or off:
dim switchVar as byte
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
switchVar = getPin(5)
call putPin(20, switchVar)
end sub
In step three, I just took the code online and added a mod statement such that
the counter only counted every tenth loop. I didn’t get to step
four (on memory registers, e.g., register.ddrc, register.portc) because I was
busy on the technical research project. I put an LED on my board to tell
me that there is power on or off, because it is easier to see than the side
of my box where the switch is. Checked out the Crawford article that explored
the buzzword “interactivity”.
Week Five
Analog-to-Digital Conversion Input
The lab assignment this week focused on variable resistors and analog sensors.
I had purchased and/or found various flex sensors and potentiometers and photoresistors,
and experimented with them this week. I connected a 10kOhm pot up to the
microcontroller and programmed the BX-24 to read the voltage using getADC:
dim potVar as integer
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
potVar = getADC(15)
debug.print "potVar
= " ; cstr(potVar)
end sub
The output in the debug window varied from 0 to 1023, depending on how far the
potentiometer was turned. I put a 10kOhm resistor between the pot and
the ground, and the range changed to 90 to 1023. When I put the same resistor
between +5V and ground, it varied from 0 to 969. (There are 1024 values,
corresponding to 2^10 power.) Basically, I was making a voltage divider.
For step two, I connected a flex sensor up to the circuit.
With the 220 Ohm resistor, the range of voltages was 11 to 135; with the 10kOhm
resistor, 26 to 420; for the 100kOhm resistor, 119 to 907. I also experimented
with the values at different setting of the pot, which basically either increased
or decreased the range. It looked like a linear relationship based on
the numbers being output in the debug window.
For step three, I wired up a bunch of LEDs, this time using the chip as a sink.
This increased the brightness of the LED’s such that I could light up
three in series, which I couldn’t do in the first lab. I then programmed
the chip so that more LED’s would light up as the voltage was increased,
simulating a LED bar display.
After this, I wanted to start testing the servomotor that I had bought at the
NYU Computer Store earlier in the month. I tried the following code, and
wired it up with the rest of my LED set-up:
dim potVar as integer
dim minPulse as single
dim maxPulse as single
dim pulseWidth as single
dim refreshPeriod as single
dim pulseRange as single
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
minPulse = 0.0008
maxPulse = 0.0022
pulseWidth = minPulse
refreshPeriod = 0.02
potVar = getADC(13)
call pulseOut(13, pulseWidth,
pulseRange = maxPulse
- minPulse
pulseWidth = minPulse
+ ((pulseRange*cSng(potVar))/100.0)
call sleep(refreshPeriod)
call putPin(19,1)
call putPin(18,1)
call putPin(17,1)
call putPin(16,1)
debug.print "potVar
= " ; cstr(potVar)
if ((potVar>0) and
(potVar<258)) then
call putPin(19, 0)
and (potVar<516)) then
call putPin(18, 0)
call putPin(19, 0)
and (potVar<768)) then
call putPin(19, 0)
call putPin(18, 0)
call putPin(17, 0)
and (potVar<1024)) then
call putPin(19, 0)
call putPin(18, 0)
call putPin(17, 0)
call putPin(16, 0)
end if
end sub
I had the pulse going out of thirteen, and it seemed to work, however, I never
incremented the pulsewidth enough to get it to move its entire motion, and the
LED’s I had were blinking everytime the servomotor moved. Jeff gave
me some pointers, which I implemented in week seven. It certainly did
not make sense to have the pulseOut command coming out of the same pin as the
The reading for this week was Chapter One of the design of everyday things:
“added complexity and difficulty cannot be avoided when functions are
added, but with clever design, they can be minimized.”
Week Six
Controlling Big Switches
The goal of the lab assignment was to get comfortable with the idea of a relay/transistor
as a means of controlling motors and other devices that may need their own power
supplies. I obtained a couple motors, one that had only 1.5-3V and then
one that had a range between 5-18V. The small motor I ran off my board,
and added different resistors to change the speed of the motor. It was
difficult to tell how fast it was rotating, so I put some tape on it and made
some marks. Still, quantification was impossible. (I might have
tried using an oscilloscope or something??) I also got the larger motor
to turn as well, however, I used my 12V power supply to test it. These
are high-revving motors (18,000RPM). I figured motors might need more
amps than what a BX-24 might need, so it would make sense for it to have its
own power source. During this step, I found that I had a switch that was
faulty, which I diagnosed using physical debugging (LEDs).
For step two, I connected up the TIP120. The most difficult part of this
was keeping track of what pins corresponded to the base (1), the collector (2),
and the emitter (3). I used a battery to power my board, and my 12V power
supply to power the larger motor. Since the motor causes transients when
it turns on and off, in addition to the capacitor I had on pins 2 and 3 of the
7805, I added one between the +5V and ground buses. With a new switch
on 14, I used the following program to turn the motor on and off:
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
call putPin(13, getPin(14))
end sub
I then started to play with the program so that it wouldn’t just spin
very fast. It was also a challenge to attach anything to the axle of the
motor; I ended up attaching tape and making a fan. I also replaced the
switch in the circuit with a potentiometer. The end result was a pulsing
wave of air (like a sound wave), since the fan would blow fast, and then slow,
and then ramp up again.
I checked out the Ken Rinaldo’s Autopoiesis installation online.
Week Seven
ADC Output
This week’s lab was concerned was the servomotor and applying the concept
of pulse width modulation. I had some serial communication issues at first,
since my serial connector disappeared. Once over that hurdle, I connected
everything up and wrote the code that should have pulsed the servo through its
180 degrees, and then set it back to zero degrees. However, the motor
was only vibrating. I was powering it off the 9V battery, which still
had plenty of voltage. Realizing it might be a problem with current, I
switched over to the 12V power supply, and the motor began to work. Unfortunately,
I left the 9V battery in, which promptly exploded (not seriously).
Luckily, my BX wasn’t hurt, and everything still worked. I varied
the minPulse and maxPulse parameters as well as the refresh period and the amount
the pulsewidth incremented per loop (it would reach the full extent of motion
faster as the increment was larger).
' Servo testing example
' in this example, a servo attached to pin 12
' should travel slowly from one side to the other,
' then quickly back to the beginning.
' The program starts pulsing the servo at its
' minimum pulsewidth, then increments the pulsewidth
' a small amount with each new pulse until it reaches
' the maximum pulsewidth. Then it sets the
' pulsewidth back to minimum.
Option Explicit
dim minPulse as single ' the minimum
dim maxPulse as single ' the maximum
dim pulseWidth as single ' the servo's pulsewidth
dim refreshPeriod as single ' the time between pulses
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
minPulse = 0.0008
maxPulse = 0.0022
pulseWidth = minPulse
refreshPeriod = 0.02
' the main loop:
' pulse the servo:
call pulseOut(11, pulseWidth, 1)
' increase
the pulsewidth for the next pulse:
if pulseWidth <= maxPulse then
pulseWidth = pulseWidth + 0.00001
pulseWidth = minPulse
end if
' wait 20 milliseconds before pulsing
call sleep(refreshPeriod)
End Sub
I also tried the multitasking servo example, which also seemed to work.
I just wanted to get familiar with the way to program a task by “dim”ming
a servostack.
' Servo testing example
const servoPin as byte = 12 ' the pin the servo is on
const refreshPeriod as single = 0.02' the time between servo pulses
const minPulse as single = 0.0003 ' the minimum pulseWidth
const maxPulse as single = 0.0022 ' the maximum pulseWidth
dim pulseWidth as single
' the servo's pulsewidth
dim servoStack(1 to 30) as byte ' memory for the servoTask
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
debug.print "start"
' set initial values for variables:
pulseWidth = minPulse
' start the servoTask loop running:
callTask "servoTask", servoStack
' the main loop:
pulsewidth = minPulse
debug.print "minimum
call sleep(2.0)
pulseWidth = ((maxPulse
- minPulse) / 2.0) + minPulse
debug.print "middle"
call sleep(2.0)
pulseWidth = maxPulse
debug.print "maximum
call sleep(2.0)
' this sleep makes sure
your main loop runs
' as much as possible.
call sleep(0.0)
End Sub
sub servoTask()
call pulseOut(servoPin,
pulseWidth, 1)
' wait 20 milliseconds
before pulsing again
call sleep(refreshPeriod)
end sub
For step two of the lab assignment, I connected my 10kOhm pot and ranged the
motion such that when the pot was closed, the servo was at zero degrees, and
when the pot was open, it was at 180 degrees. I began ranging assuming
that the divisor would be somewhere around 2^10. I helped some other people
use photosensors and flex sensors and range them as well, based on the total
range of the sensor. My pot program looked like this:
Option Explicit
dim minPulse as single ' the minimum
dim maxPulse as single ' the maximum
dim pulseWidth as single ' the servo's pulsewidth
dim refreshPeriod as single ' the time between pulses
dim pulseRange as single ' the range of possible pulses
dim sensorValue as integer 'gets pot voltage
Sub main()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a
half-second delay
minPulse = 0.0003
maxPulse = 0.002
pulseWidth = minPulse
refreshPeriod = 0.02
pulseRange = maxPulse - minPulse
' the main loop:
sensorValue = getADC(13)
if (sensorValue >
1000) then
call putPin(14, 1)
call putPin(15, 1)
call putPin(16, 1)
elseif (sensorValue >
500) then
call putPin(14, 1)
call putPin(15, 1)
elseif (sensorValue >
0) then
call putPin(14, 1)
end if
debug.print "sensorValue:";
pulseWidth = minPulse
+ ((pulseRange * cSng(sensorValue)) / 750.0)
' pulse the servo:
call pulseOut(12, pulseWidth, 1)
call putPin(14, 0)
call putPin(15, 0)
call putPin(16, 0)
' wait 20 milliseconds before pulsing
call sleep(refreshPeriod)
End Sub
As you can see, I combined my LED voltage meter display (like what I did in
week five) to correspond to the degree to which the pot is open, and therefore
how far the servo goes. This was basically what I unsuccessfully tried
to do in week five. I also managed to get the LEDs to stop blinking, using
a low pass filter circuit. I used a 1 microF capacitor, since the 10microFarad
ones made them too weak to see in normal room light.
I read the Norretranders article as well, and found his description of consciousness
Week Eight
Serial Intro
This week I experimented with asynchronous serial communication and getting
bytes into the terminal program. I actually attempted the assignment after I
did the midterm, so I took apart part of the midterm project (sadly) and began
wiring up the ground wire, and decided to eliminate the 22K resistor on pin
12 (since RS-232 is robust enough not to need it). Pin 2 on the nine-pin serial
cable went to pin 11 on the BX (PC receive, BX transmit) and pin 12 was the
BX receive and the PC transmit on pin 3 of the serial connector. Ground was
on pin 5 of the serial connector.
I did not have an extra serial cable, so I kept switched from pins 1-4 then
to 11, 12 and ground. I programmed the BX as follows:
dim inputBuffer(1 To 13) As Byte '4-byte output buffer.
dim outputBuffer(1 To 50) As Byte '1-byte output buffer.
dim thisByte as byte
sub main ()
call delay(0.5) ' start program with a half-second delay
' define which pins COM3 will be
' (input pin, output pin, baud mode):
call defineCom3(12,11,bx1000_1000)
' set aside memory for input and output:
call openQueue(inputBuffer, 13)
call openQueue(outputBuffer, 50)
' open COM3:
call openCom(3, 9600, inputBuffer, outputBuffer)
' read the switch, convert it to a readable ASCII value:
thisByte = getPin(15) + 48
' send it out the serial port:
call putQueue(OutputBuffer, thisByte, 1)
end sub
This seemed to work and the BX was programmed; the buffers contained 9 bytes
for the BX and the rest of the bytes for the output buffer itself. The input
pin corresponded to pin 12 (BX input) and output was 11. The number 48 corresponds
to a readable ASCII value, since the value on the pin could be zero. I then
found Hyperterminal. I remembered to close the port on BasicX, so I went back
and did that. I selected Com2 and adjusted the settings to 9600 baud, 8 bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit. At first run, I got a bunch of smiley face characters.
I switched around 11 and 12 in the call defineCom3 line to see what would happen,
and ended up getting !! characters. I was trying to figure out at the time what
input and output were being referred to in the defineCom3 line.
For the second part of the lab, I connected up an analogue sensor to pin 14
(a photoresistor). This only required a simple change to the code, such that
thisByte = cByte(getADC(14)\4). It is divided by four since 2^10 = 1023; a byte
is 0-2^8. I was able to make some pretty patterns with the code, since the terminal
was getting the data at a more or less steady rate:
I changed resistors between the photoresistor and ground to get different ASCII
characters as well (ASCII is a standard and a priori has nothing to do with
the voltages being read). I attached an LED to the output of the microcontroller
(pin 11) and saw the LED flash; however, it flashed very quickly, almost to
the point of imperceptibility.
I also got to send a string out of the BX. The trick was to dimension the output
buffer and call the command putQueueStr. I did not make a Luv-O-Meter, but it
would be a simple matter of using if (condition of sensor) then putQueueString(clever
thing to say).
Week Nine
For documentation of the midterm, see
The midterm essay can be found at
Week Ten
Talking to Director
This week was interesting. The ICM and Pcomp material coincided and connected
in interesting ways, giving me ideas for lots and lots of projects I would love
to get to. I used Geoff Smith's serial xtra for Director and downloaded it onto
a PC in the PC lab. I put the extra in the folder containing my Director movie.
This seemed to avoid the problem of being at such a promiscuous environment
as ITP and having different xtras at different machines. I used three sensors
in my program: a switch, a pot, and a photocell. My first step was to make sure
the circuit on the circuit board was set up correctly. I used the debug.print
commands to do this. I had trouble at first because I had not grounded the photocell,
and the switch had a soldering problem. Once those two problems were diagnosed,
everything seemed fine. I packed it up for the day in fact.
Only to find that the next day, nothing would work. At first I couldn't download
anything. Then I was able to program the chip, but only got gibberish out. I
diagnosed the problem one step at a time. First, I tested the chip turning on
and off an LED from each pin. I made sure the board was getting proper power.
I tested different serial cables and connectors. I tried different Com ports.
Did it all. After a few hours of this, I tried a different computer and it worked,
with the same equipment, code...everything. Here's the BasicX code:
'using a POT on pin 17
'using Photocell on pin 15
'using Switch on pin 13Sub Main()
dim invar as byte
dim outvar as integer
dim variableResistor as integer
dim pulsewidth as integer
dim pos as single
'set up a buffer
dim InputBuffer(1 to 10) as byte
dim OutputBuffer(1 to 10) as byte
call openQueue(InputBuffer,10)
call openQueue(OutputBuffer,10)
'set up the port
call defineCom3(12, 11, bx1000_1000) ' defineCom3(InPin, Outpin,
call openCom(3,9600,InputBuffer,OutputBuffer) '9600 baud
debug.print "start"
'''''''deal with another variable resistor and send it
variableResistor = getADC(15)
'debug.print cStr(variableResistor) 'determine that I get numbers 50 - 230
if variableResistor < 1 then
variableResistor = 1
end if
if variableResistor > 255 then
variableResistor = 255
end if
call putQueue(OutputBuffer,variableResistor,1)
'''''''deal with one variable resistor and send it
variableResistor = getADC(17)
'debug.print cStr(variableResistor) 'determine that I get numbers 0 - 1023
variableResistor = variableResistor\4
if variableResistor < 1 then
variableResistor = 1
end if
if variableResistor > 255 then
variableResistor = 255
end if
call putQueue(OutputBuffer,variableResistor,1)
'''''''deal with the switch and send it
outvar = cInt(getPin(13)) + 65
'debug.print cStr(outvar)
'so you don't send 0 (the nasty null char) or 1 but 65 or 66, "A"
or "B"
call putQueue(OutputBuffer,outvar,1)
call getQueue(InputBuffer,invar,1) 'program stops until it hears something
end sub
So, once I had the data coming out, I went into Director and programmed a Lingo
program that would move a ball left and right, change the shape of a sprite
depending on the switch state, and change the blend of the ball based on the
photocell. I had some trouble getting everything to communicate, but it finally
began to work after I carefully went through the Lingo. I then changed the Lingo
a bit so that the three sensors controlled the vertices of a vector graphic,
using the movevertex command, such that the ball would morph into a Calder-esque
The next step was to take the midterm glove and see if we could get that to
work at all. We got the serial data out, but didn't write up a Lingo program
to do anything with it yet.